Zeromq 基础
about zeromq
why zeromq
raw socket 在面临海量数据和并行时的一些问题,正好是 zeromq 这类 message oriented middleware 要解决的:
- block IO or non-block IO? 前者低效,后者复杂;
- 传统 socket 的 cs 定义,在实际中 server client 随时可能掉线,特别是 server 挂掉很要命;
- socket 传输的数据有大有小,五花八门,raw socket 能 handle?
- 有些复杂的应用场景,比如某些消息不能马上 deliver,要等待 client 上线,怎么处理处理这些消息,database ? or queue?
- message queue 怎么存储?
- 传输信息丢失了怎么办,网络错误,是重发还是丢弃?
- ipv4 ipv6 互转
- message route for multicast peers
- 多语言支持
- 数据的编码管理
模糊掉 client 和 server 的概念,万物连接更像人的大脑,只有节点,没有绝对的中心;相比 http 为何不好?
it arguably makes the problem worse by encouraging developers and architects to think in terms of big servers and thin, stupid clients.
It delivers blobs of data (messages) to nodes, quickly and efficiently.
You can map nodes to threads, processes, or nodes. ZeroMQ gives your applications a single socket API to work with, no matter what the actual transport (like in-process, inter-process, TCP, or multicast).
It automatically reconnects to peers as they come and go.
It queues messages at both sender and receiver, as needed.
It limits these queues to guard processes against running out of memory.
It handles socket errors.
It does all I/O in background threads.
It uses lock-free techniques for talking between nodes, so there are never locks, waits, semaphores, or deadlocks.
- 网络通信(看成1个网络库?)
- 应用解耦
- 应用消息通讯
- 流量削峰( 消息缓存)
- 分布式消息通信
zeromq example
client 访问某个 url 从别的机器的 python machine learning 处理中心要结果,web server 是 node server, 如预测值.
client <--http--> node.js server <--zeromq--> python
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